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How to start 2024 – the year of MORE

As I begin writing about how to start 2024 – the year of more, I want to clear one thing up. When I say – the year of more; please don’t get me confused with the year of more STUFF. The ‘more’ I’m talking about, is the one of more beauty, love, healing, growth and development, patience and courage. To be honest, the past few years have left me depleted. I was not living from a place of abundance but rather a place of scarcity in many areas of life. 2023 started my family and I off with a housefire that completely left us with empty pockets and the only dress I had, was the one I was wearing at the time. I tackled the year with facing my demons and rebuilding. I am so proud of how far my family, and I have come but I am not done. 2024 is the time to level up and jump into abundance. 

If you are like me, and you have a million and 1 tabs open in your mind but nowhere to start then keep reading. I will share with you exactly what I have been doing to make sure I start my 2024 artwork with the right colours and brushes! 

How to start 2024 – the year of more.

  1. Brain dump

I’m pretty sure all the best things you can do to improve your life, start with a brain dump. Here is where I want you to grab some paper or a notebook and a pencil and start writing words, phrases or sentences that express the kind of year you want to have. Think about all the areas such as physical, emotional and wellness, spiritual, career, study, relationships, friendships, marriage, children, parenting. Write as much down as you can and then look for any patterns/overlaps/repeating words. 

  1. Vision Board

You are now going to make a vision bored based off your big beautiful brain dump! 

I want you to make a digital one and a physical one that you can put up where you will see it daily. It could be next to your bed on the wall, living room, office or the kitchen where you make your morning coffee.

When you design your vision board, you want to think about more about the ACTIONS you need to take as part of your routine.  Remember, this vision board is for the next 12 months so to make it effective, focus on the actionable steps and daily habits you can do now. 

Hot tip: digital vision boards I suggest using Canva. They have amazing free images and great fonts to use and they also have the pixel sizes so you can cater it perfect for your laptop screen and phone. 

  1. Gratitude Jar

Make a gratitude jar and keep it in a high traffic area or place where you all sit together as a family. Have it ready for 2024 and make it a practice to use it, add to it and read from it when you’re finding yourself in the room of resentment and stress.

  1. Put systems in place 

Calendars, planner, journal, art diary, bible (if that’s your thing). Your year of abundance doesn’t just happen without being intentional. We need to have a system that is unique to us so that we can make the most of the year. Get your system in order ready to go come jan 1st 2024

  1. Clear out the junk

At this stage in the game, we all have a lot of junk to get rid of. Clear out emails, old messages and unfollow people that are no longer aligned with the path you’re on now. We need to be intentional and honest with ourselves about what we take into 2024 and what we need to let go of. 

  1. Affirmation cards

Affirmation cards are powerful especially when used with meditation, prayer and morning routines. They also work great to have in the places where you do your self-care routine. Get yourself some cards that are aligned to your path. I have some which you can order here if my style and words align with you 🙂 

  1. Get out the calendar

Mark out the calendar with important dates, days and holidays. The year of abundance is about finding where you have FREE space so you can fill it up with goodness.

Hot Tip: Calendar block your days! You will find that there are pockets of time where you can fill it with goodness instead of scrolling aimlessly on your phone 😉  

That’s it for today beautiful humans. I hope you action these steps today so that come 2024 you can join me feeling empowered with the right tools and the right doors open to start inviting abundance into the new year! 

If you are looking for more abundance in 2024 and want to start filling up your cup then check out our services here.

In Love & Light



Amy Stoltenberg is a creative wellness coach and artist based in Brisbane, Australia.

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